Ayodhya Ram Mandir Inauguration!! A brief Of SANATANA DHARM. 


In the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and several dignitaries, the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony in Ayodhya for Lord Ram is scheduled to take place today, January 22.

The idol of Lord Ram, crafted by Arun Yogi Raj, was unveiled during the ceremony held in the temple’s sanctum sanctorum. The unveiling of the idol, veiled in a cloth, took place on Thursday as part of the consecration ceremony.

Congress denied Invitation

During this time, the Congress has declined the invitation to the Pran Pratishtha ceremony for Lord Ram. Senior Congress leaders – Mallikarjun Kharge, Sonia Gandhi, and Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury – have rejected the invitation to the grand event in Ayodhya.

In my opinion, on this sacred occasion, the Congress should avoid political maneuvers. We all know that PM Modi is currently in the spotlight, and it is almost certain that he will win the 2024 elections. Instead of taking a political stance against the BJP by boycotting this event, Congress should commend the BJP government for taking a bold step to resolve this longstanding issue of Ayodhya.

Congress ought to take part in this sacred ritual to demonstrate to the world that Indians are one when it comes to our shared cultural heritage.

PM Modi In Ayodhya

On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to take part in the Lord Ram consecration ceremony at Ayodhya. After organizing the event, he will address the gathered audience on this auspicious occasion.

According to a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), representatives from all major spiritual and religious traditions of the country will be present at the Pran Pratishtha ceremony in Ayodhya.

Aashish Kumar Goyal, the chairman of U.P.P.C.L., stated on Saturday that uninterrupted electricity supply will be provided in the state of Ayodhya for 24 hours on Monday ahead of the Pran Pratishtha ceremony in Ayodhya.

Interior of Ram Mandir

Regarding the event, Goyal said, “In the next 24 hours, electricity will be supplied without any interruption in all areas of the state, in accordance with the Chief Minister’s instructions.”

President’s Letter

Before the consecration ceremony of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya on Sunday evening, President Draupadi Murmu wrote a letter to PM Modi.

Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Brajesh Pathak, informed the media on Sunday that all preparations for the Pran Pratishtha ceremony have been completed. The Ram Janmabhoomi Temple will host the function on Monday at 12:30 PM.

Brajesh Pathak told ANI, “All preparations are complete. We are waiting for PM Modi, and the grand temple of Lord Rama is ready. Everyone is happy.” Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath visited Ayodhya on Sunday to inspect the preparations before the Pran Pratishtha ceremony scheduled for Monday.

Central Minister Niranjn Jyoti said on Sunday, “Our ancestors saw a dream about 500 years ago, for which many of our ‘kar sevaks’ sacrificed their lives, and that dream will finally come true.” Now, some may argue that politicians should remain neutral because they are servants of the people. However, my opinion differs from those people.

Yes, a politician should be neutral, but before being a politician, they are human beings with their beliefs, from which they derive positive energy and confidence. Our constitution guarantees every individual the fundamental right to practice and spread their own faith.

Interior of Ram Mandir

Yes, we are a majority in our country, but globally we are a minority. If we do not take steps to preserve and propagate the teachings of our Sanatan Dharma, soon we will be assimilated into Western culture, which, in my opinion, is losing its identity.

Sanatan Dharma

This term is often confused with religion. The meaning of the word Sanatan is often misunderstood; it means duty, such as the duty of a son, father, or mother. Our Sanatan Dharma is far ahead of other religions. Sanatan Dharma is a way of life. Waking up in the Brahma Muhurta, then being fresh, performing Surya Namaskar, having a healthy meal, which is mentioned in Hindu scriptures, has been proven to be true by modern science

How advanced Sanatan Dharma was

Nowadays, we are taught in school that around the 16th-17th century, some European scientists discovered that there are nine planets. But if we look closely at the ancient Indian civilizations, especially the ritual of Yajna, we worship nine planets. This ritual is thousands of years old. This means that our ancestors were far more advanced than our modern science.

The claim that European scientists discovered the Earth is round is another example. But in Sanatan Dharma, there is a subject for the study of the Earth called Bhugol, where Bhu means Earth and gol means clearly a globe! And this subject is more than thousands of years old.

We have many examples like Vaidya Shushrut, who performed plastic surgery, and our economic guru Chanakya. We have given the world the best gift, Yoga, which is a cure for almost every disease, proven by modern science.

But it is sad that we do not believe in our ancient teachings until they are proven by modern science.Sanatan Dharma has a lot to teach us, and I hope that we would take those lessons to improve both our lives and the state of the world.

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