“Moscow concert attack: Reactions to Moscow Concert Attack Unite Nations From India to Ukraine”


In the grand capital city of Russia, Moscow, a terrorist attack occurred on Friday, March 22. Armed with automatic firearms, a group of gunmen broke into a major music hall and started shooting at the audience.

Days had passed since Russian President Vladimir Putin stepped up efforts to tighten his hold on power in the wake of a carefully planned election rigging.

PM Modi’s response

As a result, Russia saw one of the bloodiest terrorist assaults in decades, with at least 140 people injured and over 40 people murdered.
The world’s response to the devastating gunfire at the Moscow concert hall has been profound. Reacting to the terrorist assault, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “In this moment of sorrow, India stands united with the government and people of the Russian Federation.”

US’s statement

The United Nations Security Council issued the following statement, per a Reuters report: “The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack at a concert hall in the Moscow area of the Russian Federation on March 22, 2024.”
The statement went on to emphasize, “It is imperative to ensure that those responsible for orchestrating, funding, and supporting these despicable acts of terrorism are held accountable and face justice.”
“The images are horrific and difficult to watch, and our hearts go out clearly to the victims of this terrible, terrible shooting attack,” stated White House spokesperson John Kirby.

ISIS took responsibility of Moscow attack

Russia’s Statement

A representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, made the following observation: “This horrible act must be denounced by the entire international community. All possible endeavors are being exerted to preserve and safeguard lives.
Ukrainian President Adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said, “Let’s be clear about this: Ukraine had nothing to do with these events.”
He further stated, “As a regular enemy of Russian regular troops and as a country, Ukraine is in full-scale, four-sided war with the Russian Federation. And without caring about anything, everything will be decided on the battlefield.”

Yulia Navalnaya, the bereaved spouse of the late Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny, emphasized, “It’s imperative to identify and hold accountable every individual implicated in this heinous crime.”

Giorgia Meloni & French government’s statement

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni strongly condemned the massacre and stated, “The heinousness of the massacre of innocent civilians in Moscow is unacceptable. The Italian government’s strong and full condemnation,” according to Reuters’ report.

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the photos coming out of Moscow are terrifying and expressed condolences for the victims and their families. “”Our heartfelt sympathies go out to those affected – the victims, the wounded, and the entire Russian community,” affirmed the Ministry. . These abhorrent actions have to be denounced.”

German’s Statement

The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the attack near Moscow’s Crocus City Hall as appalling and stated, “The background must be clarified quickly. According to Reuters, we have deep sympathy for the families of the victims.”
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil strongly condemned the armed attack on civilians in Moscow, expressing solidarity with the victims’ families and standing united with the Russian government.
Miguel Diaz-Canel, the president of Cuba, sent his deepest condolences to the Russian people and administration for the terrorist attack in Moscow.

American Republican Senator Mitt Romney condemned the attack and said, “Targeting and killing civilians deliberately is abhorrent and evil, no matter who the perpetrators are – whether against Ukrainians opposing Putin or against Russians by terrorists. Today’s massacre in Moscow is tragic.”

Spain’s Reaction

After the incident, Spain expressed its “astonishment” and said it “condemns any form of violence.” The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a tweet, “We stand in sympathy with the Russian people, the victims, and their families. “The developments unfolding in Russia have left us deeply unsettled.” Spain unequivocally denounces all manifestations of violence.”
A statement from French President Emmanuel Macron stated that he “strongly condemns this terrorist attack claimed by the Islamic State.” He declared that France is in agreement with the people that were shot.

The European Union expressed being “stunned and fearful” by the attack. A representative for the union stated, “The European Union firmly denounces all acts of violence targeting innocent civilians.” We send our condolences to all impacted Russian people.”


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